Thursday, October 14, 2010

Quiz#2 New Deal Great Depression

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the "mind" behind the New Deal, won the presidential election in 1932 against which president (who had governed between 1929 and 1933)?

Herbert Hoover
Calvin Coolidge
Woodrow Wilson
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

2. Franklin D. Roosevelt belonged to which political party?


3. This was one of Roosevelt's first promises to the American people?

"Prosperity is just around the corner."
"Every American home should have two cars in the garage and a chicken in the pot."
"Action, and action now."
"It is time to replace the present corruption, lawlessness and hypocrisy with honesty."

4. Roosevelt was indeed a smart man, but he didn't come up with the programme for the New Deal all by himself. He worked with a panel of experts. What was it called?

the Brain Trust
the Smart Trust
the Great Bunch
the Big Bunch

5. The New Deal programme had three main aims, which were what?

Relief, Empowerment, Economic Boom
Pauperisation, Unemployment, Crisis
Power, Protection, Prohibition
Relief, Recovery, Reform

6. Roosevelt, first of all, closed all the banks for a four-day holiday. He wanted to rescue the banks.


7. In 1933 Roosevelt set up the first of a series of government agencies, which were the means of his New Deal, designed to give the American people support. Since their names were often not very short, they quickly became know as ...?

Acronym Agencies
Omega Organisations
Initial Agencies
Alphabet Agencies

8. The Second New Deal (1932-1937) concentrated mostly on improving conditions for the "ordinary, forgotten man". From 1933 to 1942 the CCC took a leading role in employing young men with not very many working skills, in order to teach them important things through tough work in the countryside. What did "CCC" stand for?

Civilian Credit Corps
Civilian Crop Conservationists
Civilian Conservation Corps
Cash-Crop Corporation

9. The CCC gave the young men working in its camps a wage of $2 per day.


10. What was the purpose of the agency named HOLC?

It helped single mothers take care of their children with a monetary aid
It loaned money to people who risked losing their homes
It created public works of real and lasting value ( people were employed to build bridges, dams etc)
It established fixed pensions for the elderly

11. What is the name of the agency which was set up to develop the Tennessee Valley, a really poverty-stricken area?

Answer: (One Word (use the initials, with no dots))

12. The Wagner Act of 1935 gave more power to what?

Rich businessmen
Trade unions
Farm tenants
Black people

13. The Civilian Works Administration (CWA) gave away as many jobs as possible. Many of them were really useless, and were called "boondoggles". Which of these is an example of a "boondoggle"?

researching the history of the safety pin
sitting on benches in parks to make sure they were safe
none of them
reading out newspapers for children to hear

14. What was the symbol of the NRA, the National Recovery Administration, which helped industries to flourish again?

the Blue Eagle
the Black Hawk
the Blue Swan
the Black Robin

15. Not all of the USA saw the New Deal as a positive influence and method to get the country out of the Great Depression. Some extremely influential characters in American society did not support the New Deal. Who were they?

The Republicans
All of these
The Big Businessmen
The Rich

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